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spring cleaning your social media accounts

For many of us, springtime means cleaning. We deep clean the closets and reorganize the junk drawers. Spring cleaning usually focuses on your house, workspace, or garage basically everywhere that you accumulate stuff. Since we live in a technology-focused time, spring cleaning your social media accounts should be included in this routine. You’re accumulating stuff there, too followers, posts, likes, and content.

As a result, it’s important to make sure these platforms accurately reflect and represent your business and brand. Giving them a thorough once over on a regular basis is a way to do this.

Your Checklist

We’ve created this handy checklist to make spring cleaning your social media accounts easy and manageable. We focused on “the big three,” Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, but this list can be used for other platforms as well. Print this out and keep it handy near your desk or computer to remind you to regularly review your social media accounts.

While this checklist is helpful, there is still more you can do. We’ve expanded on the importance of keeping your social media presence optimized . This list is worth a quarterly check.

Since your social media accounts revolve around relationships that are crucial to your success, be sure to take time to ensure your contact list is clean . That will improve your marketing efforts in multiple ways.

spring cleaning your social media accounts

Most of these items are probably pretty self-explanatory. Checking that your information is complete and that you’re using professional photos is easy enough. It gets a little trickier towards the bottom of the checklist, where we include making sure you’re regularly posting content. That is an ongoing action that goes beyond spring cleaning your social media accounts.

For some business owners, it’s fun to tackle to do items from this checklist. And for others, it’s completely overwhelming. And that’s okay! Your time is limited and valuable, and it’s much easier to have this work done for you.

That’s when marketing automation becomes especially relevant. If you want content created and published for you from start to finish, OutboundEngine’s automated marketing is the right choice for your business. Click here to set up a live walkthrough and see how OutboundEngine can help your business succeed.

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